Town Council Chambers
45 South Main Street
FEBRUARY 28, 2012
6:30 P.M.
Moment of Silence
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
2. Correspondence
3. Consent Agenda
3a. Consider and Approve Tax Refunds totaling $4,018.39 (#507-523) Acct. #001-1000-010-1170 – Tax Office
3b. Consider and Approve a Transfer in the Amount of $10,000 to Maintenance-Miscellaneous Distribution Expense Acct # 598 from Operations-Overhead Line Expense Acct# 583 – Electric Division
3c. Consider and Approve a Transfer in the Amount of $8,000 to Other Expense – Community Welfare Acct. #426 from Other Interest Expense -Customer Deposits Acct #431 – Electric Division
3d. Acceptance and Appropriation of $4,123 Federal/State Highway Safety Grant to Revenue – Highway Safety Acct # 1002001-45208 and to Expenditure – Police Overtime Acct #10020050-51400 – Police Chief
3e. Consider and Approve Revised Job Description for the position of Chief Electrician for Electric Division – Personnel
3f. Consider and Approve Revised Job Description for the position of Maintenance Electrician for Electric Division – Personnel
3g. Consider and Approve Job Description for the new position of Computer Technician I – Board of Education
3h. Consider and Approve Naming the Wallace Dam Fishway in honor of the late Dr. Harry O. Haakonsen – Chairman Robert F. Parisi
3i. Consider and Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to sign the First Supplemental to the Agreement between the State of Connecticut and the Town of Wallingford for the Construction, Inspection and Maintenance of Resurfacing Treatment on North Plains Industrial Road Utilizing Federal Funds under the Urban Component of the Surface Transportation System – Town Engineer
3j. Consider and Approve the Re-Appointment of Ellen Deutsch to Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission as a Regular Member for a Five Year Term Expiring March 1, 2017 – Chairman Robert F. Parisi
3k. Consider and Approve the Re-Appointment of Barbara Sibley to the Historic Properties Commission as a Regular Member for a Five Year Term Expiring March 27, 2017 – Chairman Robert F. Parisi
3l. Consider and Approve the Appointment of Members to the Flood and Erosion Control Board according to Chapter 8, Article VI, Section 8-15 of the Code of the Town of Wallingford as follows:
Councilor Robert F. Parisi, Chairman
Councilor Vincent Cervoni, Vice-Chairman
Councilor Craig Fishbein
Councilor Tom Laffin
Councilor Rosemary Rascati
Councilor John Sullivan
Councilor Jason Zandri
Councilor Nick Economopoulos, Alternate
Councilor John LeTourneau, Alternate
3m. Consider and Approve corrected Minutes of Regular Town Council Meeting of January 24, 2012
3n. Consider and Approve Minutes of Regular Town Council Meeting of February 14, 2012
4. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
6. Consider and Approve a Transfer in the Amount of $35,000 to Purchase Professional Services-Tree Contract Acct # 10030000-56756 from Materials & Supplies Acct # 10030000-56140
7. Conduct a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. to Amend Chapter 43, Purchasing, §43-2.B, §43-11.A, §43.12.A and §43-12B
8. Conduct a Continuation of a Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. to Repeal or Amend Ordinance No. 345 “Article V, Insurance Commission”
9. Discussion and possible action regarding request for sale of town property for an extension of Brockett Road – Corporation Counsel
10. Discussion and possible action on re-formatting our local tax bill(s) to reflect, by major department, anticipated application of those tax dollars – Councilor Craig Fishbein
11. Executive Session pursuant to §1-200(6)(D) of the Connecticut General Statutes With respect to the purchase, sale and/or leasing of property – Mayor
12. Executive Session pursuant to §1-225(f) and §1-200(6)(B) of the Connecticut General Statutes to discuss the following cases: Town of Wallingford v. Magliulo; and Cytec Industries, Inc. v. Town of Wallingford - Corporation Counsel
13. Possible Action on Town of Wallingford v. Magliulo – Corporation Counsel
14. Possible Action on Cytec Industries, Inc. v. Town of Wallingford – Corporation Counsel