Opening Prayer – Reverend Margaret Jay, First Congregational Church of Wallingford
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
2. Correspondence
3. Consent Agenda
3a. Consider and Approve Tax Refunds (#586 - #594) totaling $2,763.67 Acct. # 001-1000-010-1170 - Tax Collector
3b. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds for Republican Presidential Preference Primary in the Amount of $2,100 from Maintenance of Equipment Acct # 1060-54325 to Telephone Acct # 1060-53000 - Registrars of Voters
3c. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds for Republican Presidential Preference Primary in the Amount of $1,200 from Election Expense Acct # 1060-58705 to Rental of Polling Place Acct # 1060-54420 - Registrars of Voters
3d. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds for Republican Presidential Preference Primary in the Amount of $1,000 from PS-Program Memory Cards Acct # 1060-56713 to Regular Salaries & Wages Acct # 1060-51000- Registrars of Voters
3e. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds for Republican Presidential Preference Primary in the Amount of $700 from Election Expense Acct # 1060-58075 to Regular Salaries & Wages Acct # 1060-51000 - Registrars of Voters
3f. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds for Republican Presidential Preference Primary in the Amount of $300 from Continuing Education & Training Acct # 1060-55700 to Regular Salaries & Wages Acct # 1060-51000 - Registrars of Voters
3g. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds in the Amount of $18,000 to Chemicals Acct # 43100641 from Power Purchased for Pumping Acct # 43100623 - Water Division
3h. Consider and Approve a Transfer of Funds in the Amount of $15,675 from Sludge Disposal Acct # 46100645 to Various Accounts (8) - Sewer Division
3i. Acceptance of Donation and Appropriation in the Amount of $769 Youth & Social Services Special Fund-Relay for Life to Expenditures Acct # 21340100-58830 and to Donations Acct # 2134002-47152 – Youth & Social Services
3j. Acceptance of Donation and Appropriation in the Amount of $660 Youth & Social Services Special Fund to Expenditures Acct # 26640150-58830 and to Donations Acct # 2134002-47152 – Youth & Social Services
3k. Acceptance of Donation and Appropriation in the Amount of $612 Youth & Social Services Special Fund-Relay for Life to Expenditures Acct # 21340100-58830 and to Donations Acct # 2134002-47152 – Youth & Social Services
3l. Acceptance of Donation and Appropriation in the Amount $50 from of Youth & Social Services Special Fund to Expenditures Acct # 21340100-58830 and to Donations Acct # 2134002-47152 – Youth & Social Services
3m. Acceptance of Board of Education Grants and Appropriation of Special Funds to the Board of Education Budget:
1. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION $13,258 Fund # 235
2. PRESCHOOL $36 Fund # 235
3. ARRA $18,521 Fund # 235
3n. Consider and Approve a Resolution to accept Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) Grant for roadway improvements along North Main Street Extension and authorize the Mayor to Execute with Connecticut Office of Policy & Management (OPM) an agreement in the amount of $214,200 and to provide such additional information, to execute any amendments, decisions and revisions thereto and to act as the authorized representative of the Town of Wallingford – Grants Administrator
3o. Set a Public Hearing for June 12, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. for Neighborhood Assistance Applications 2012- Grants Administrator
3p. Approve minutes of Regular Town Council Meeting of May 8, 2012
3q. Approve minutes of Special Town Council Meeting Budget Workshop of May 1, 2012
3r. Approve minutes of Special Town Council Meeting Budget Workshop of April 25, 2012
3s. Approve minutes of Regular Town Council Meeting of April 24, 2012
4. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
6. Consider and Approve IAFF Local 1326 Firefighters and Deputy Marshal labor contract Effective July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 - Personnel
7. Consider and Approve (new) Job Description for Energy Conservation Specialist - Personnel
8. Acceptance of Donation from the Wallingford Fireworks for 2012 Celebration in the Amount of $23,107 and Appropriation of Funds as follows
A. Consider and Approve an Appropriation in the Amount of $11,627 to Revenue Donations Acct # 100-7042 and to Expenditures – Holidays and Celebrations Acct # 1004015-58234
B. Consider and Approve an Appropriation in the Amount of $11,480 to Revenue Donations Acct # 100-7042 and to the following:
$8,000 Police Overtime Acct # 1002005-51400
$2,000 Fire Overtime Acct # 1002015-51400
$ 900 Fire Marshal Overtime Acct # 1002020-51400
$ 400 Holidays & Celebrations Acct # 1004015-58234 (for BOE)
$ 180 Parks & Recreation Acct # 1005005-56782 (Port-O-Lets)
9. Discussion and Possible Action to initiate an investigation by the Town Council into the illegal cutting down of trees in the parks of Wallingford and the removal of the wood to an illegal disposal site – Councilor Nick Economopoulos
10. Executive Session pursuant to §1-200 (6)(D) of the Connecticut General Statutes with respect to the purchase, sale and/or leasing of property – Mayor